Rep. John Lewis Cites ‘Pursuit of Happiness’ as Justification for Health Care Mandate
I think the ultimate blame in all this lies in the very nature of democracy, or how it has been practiced in the last half a century. The analogy of pigs at a trough and it is apt. The basic problem is that the focus has changed from obligations to rights, and rights are the biggest danger to liberty. People see the most outlandish things as rights these days and politicians are happy to appease. It buys them votes but on a larger scale it creates new plateaus on which government can act, and new ways it can interfere with our lives and steal our freedoms. A right is after all necessarily accompanied by an obligation and who is faced with these new obligations? The electorate, too busy in its feeding frenzy to realize it is eating its own curly little tail.
I am not myself a very religious person but the fall of Christianity, which created a mentality of thankfulness for what we have, and the obligation to work hard to hold on to it, has been reduced by the rise of secularism with the mentality of entitlement. We are entitled to things because these are our RIGHTS. All accountability goes out the window, as rights need never be justified, they simply are ours for the taking.
So it is here. Health care is now shown to be a right and who is going to enforce that right? Government of course and to enforce these rights some pesky things like liberty must be stepped on. What we see as the massive encroachment of government on our liberty, the destruction of the rule of law comes directly from the clamoring for more and more outlandish and imaginative "human rights" and the expectation that government will provide those rights to us.
It is now proposed by some that access to the internet is a HUMAN RIGHT. More absurdities are sure to follow.
And more ominously, I think that Lewis has probably tipped the Party's hand here. If Obama is elected to a second term, and freed of the pesky need to be reelected, and also faced with time running out on his power, expect MASSIVE socialization of the civil order. Using these arguments that we have the right to be happy, there will be some very very dangerous things developing, and a massive expansion of the welfare state is a near certainty. Obama is the most radical president the US has had since a long time, and will make even the New Deal look positively capitalistic in comparison.
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